Catholic Charities USA
HR Administrators Dashboard / Important News & Announcements
Employer News and Updates
More Covid-19 Home Tests available to order through starting next week!
- Every home in the U.S. is eligible to order 4 free at-home COVID-19 tests. If you haven’t already, order yours today. Starting next week, every home in the U.S. will be able to order an additional set of 4 tests through the website.
- The tests available for order:
- Are rapid antigen at-home tests, not PCR
- Can be taken anywhere
- Give results within 30 minutes (no lab drop-off required)
- Work whether or not you have COVID-19 symptoms
- Work whether or not you are up to date on your COVID-19 vaccines
- Are also referred to as self-tests or over-the-counter (OTC) tests
- Please visit for answers to frequently asked questions!
Conifer Presentation
Both the presentation along with a recording of the meeting from our February webinar with Conifer are available on the HR portal of the Trust website. Just login, and on the landing page, click on the Internal Marketing & Training Tools button. On the new page, under the Off Season Toolbox, you’ll see a section called Conifer Corner. When you click to expand that section you’ll see links to both items there.
Health Advocate
Both the presentation along with a recording of the meeting from our January webinar with Health Advocate are available on the HR portal of the Trust website. Just login, and on the landing page, click on the Internal Marketing & Training Tools button. On the new page, under the Off Season Toolbox, you’ll see a section called Health Advocate. When you click to expand that section you’ll see links to both items there. Please also note, there are 5 new flyers in Spanish located in this area as well!